Refund Guarantee


 Last updated Nov 3rd, 2023

Refund Guarantee
To be eligible for a full refund, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Completed the initial 2 onboarding calls (90min commitment)Completed the initial 2 onboarding calls (90min commitment)

  2. Attended 8 1-on-1 calls with your Client Success Manager (aka. CSM)

  3. Attended 12 Q&A Coaching Calls with Amer or Patrick

  4. Complete the 11 videos assigned to you in the Welcome and Foundation sections (12 hour commitment)

  5. Completed a financial analysis with your CSM of your business to ensure it is profitable and capable to take on an additional employee

  6. Completed a simple exercise to ensure your business is focused on one niche to have the self-managing employee be focused on

  7. Completed a pricing analysis to ensure that your bids are priced to always include a minimum of a 20% gross profit margin

  8. Complete the first 5 videos in the Hiring section (5 hour commitment)

  9. Have completed at least 8 Audition Days (have them on your jobsite for a day for a structured trial run) with candidates using our hiring framework who have passed our first 2 initial phone and in person interview filters.

If these conditions above are met and you’ve done your part, then you will be eligible for a full refund OR an option to continue working with us for free until we help you hire an employee.